RMS Tolling Systems Upgrade Program
NSW Roads and Maritime Services (RMS)
Cica Group was engaged to provide experienced personnel, including the project director role and technical and business team of specialists, for the Project Management, Commercial Management and Technical Services on RMS’s Tolling Systems Upgrade Program.
RMS’s requirement was for the upgrade of the tolling system infrastructure on the Sydney Harbour Bridge and Sydney Harbour Tunnel to ensure its ongoing reliability and future capacity. The upgrade allowed for the continued tolling of all southbound traffic using the Sydney Harbour Bridge and Sydney Harbour Tunnel as the existing tolling equipment neared the end of its serviceable life. No interruption to tolling was allowed and dates for delivery were fixed to a December 17 completion due to the requirements to only allow removal of the toll plazas from the bridge during the XMas holiday period.
Cica Groups brief included:
- Procurement, design and implementation of the replacement tolling roadside system for the Sydney Harbour Bridge and Sydney Harbour Tunnel.
- Design and delivery of the Trip Reconstruction and Rating Module (TRARM)
- Relocation of the existing RMS tolling infrastructure environment into a new data centre and the provision of network services for the WestConnex tolling roadside systems to the new data centres.
- All associated Workforce Mobilisation and Change Management
A range of existing legacy supply contracts were in place for support and maintenance of the existing tolling system. All contracts needed a full review for renewal or termination.
Cica Group provided the team of specialist resources to manage the TSUP including the contract management and procurement activities for a new back office tolling solution and the negotiation of the Tolling Services Agreement with Sydney Motorway Corporation for the provision of Tolling Services.
The roadside tolling system replacement was successfully implemented in December 2017, resulting in a seamless transition that provided no interruption to the tolling services. This milestone paved the way for the full removal of the manual toll plazas from the Sydney Harbour Bridge. The tolling capability for WestConnex was also delivered on time and allowed for commencement of tolling operations on the newly completed WestConnex Motorway (M4) from July 2018. The M4 Westconnex Stage 1B tolling solution went live with tolling upon construction completion in July 2019.