Australian Tolling System Specifications - Cica Group

Swinburne University Faculty of Science, Engineering and Technology (FSET)

Swinburne University

Swinburne University FSET is reshaping its vision to deliver its contribution to the University’s 2025 Strategic Plan and the three pillars of

  • Research with Impact,
  • Future-Ready Learners and
  • an Innovative Enterprise.


CICA Group were commissioned by FSET to prepare a Report focussed upon a structured analysis of the FSET Vision with respect to the Future of Work in 2030.

Cica analysis focused specifically on the FSET areas of Advanced Manufacturing, Space and Bio-Med, all areas where FSET are rated above-world class for research as well as the linkages to the other faculties in Faculty of Health, Arts and Design (FHAD), Faculty of Business and Law (FBL) and PAVE

Cica’s brief was to assess the current vision against Industry demands for future workers and this was addressed by Cica in three separate stages:

  • Stage 1 – in the context of the Swinburne strategies and initial high-level vision for FSET, Cica undertook a comprehensive review of data, policy and strategy documents that will drive technological innovation and employee and business demand over the next decade.
  • Based on that initial desktop review, Cica reviewed the prototype vision and analysed findings against the framework provided to inform the ongoing deliberations with University staff, senior industry leaders and related industry associations.
  • Stage 2 – based on the initial desktop findings the Cica team of industry and education subject matter experts (SMEs) commenced a planned engagement with both University staff and industry through a series of individual interviews and workshops to challenge the prototype framework.
  • Stage 3 – throughout this engagement Cica continued ongoing consultation with key internal and external stakeholders to assist to finalise the vision and key academic and curriculum focus.

These activities were to provide a high-level vision informed by the intersection of University capability and potential capability and economic and societal demand as viewed from an industry perspective. Distinctions were drawn between research needs and workforce demand.

Cica delivered the “Swinburne FSET Vision Report “ in March 2019 and the Report was tabled to Swinburne Executive during April and May 19 and various FSET curricula adjustments are in progressive stages of implementation based on findings in the Report.